BIS in Axial Flow Cell Configuration
The performance of SE was established by using spectrophotometric measurement of Fe(II)ferrozine complex, which was captured on microcolumn of HBL sorbent, and subsequently eluted by NaOH (1.3.14.B.). Therefore the same reagents and similar assay protocol (A) was used to examine performance of BIS. Fe(II) ferrozine complex is red, with absorption maximum at 560nm. It is readily adsorbed on hydrophobic sorbents such as OASIS HBL (B).
The adsorption and elution of Fe(II)ferrozine complex is shown here on a movie clip (C) that recorded LOAD and ELUTE sections of the assay protocol (A), albeit using only 800 mcrL of Fe(II) ferrozine complex as a sample, and loading it at a flow rate of 15mcrL/sec in order to shorten the duration of the movie. Also a high concentration of Fe(II)ferrozine complex was used (500ppB Fe) in order to make visual observation possible.